I’m so glad you’re here


I’m Dabney


I’m a therapist, the oldest of six children, a mother to two, and a daughter, sister, and friend. Those who know me best would describe me as warm, kind, responsible, helpful and, at one time, “perfect.” Several years ago, after the culmination of a series of life events, I began to consider the possibility that these carefully constructed roles, and many parts of my identity, were perhaps not serving me as well as I thought they were. I had all the components of a “perfect” life—a great job, a spouse, two healthy children, a warm and comfortable place to live, financial and food security, a great support system—and yet, I felt unfulfilled. And then I felt guilty for feeling unfulfilled by this “perfect” life when every day my job was meeting people in the darkest shadows of the human experience. I felt confused and broken. So, I did what any good therapist does when confronted with inner turmoil, and what I had done many times prior in my adult life, and I sought support of my own.

A core value of mine is that we can only journey as deeply with someone else as we have journeyed within ourselves.

My own journey into the deepest shadows of myself ignited a passion—a calling—to support others in their journey of curiosity and deep self-exploration. To challenge ourselves to go where we are the most uncomfortable and discover what might be hidden there inside us. This journey is difficult. It’s deeply uncomfortable. It’s healing. It’s transformational. And I believe it’s the most important spiritual journey we can embark upon.

My approach

I believe healing is limited only by our own internal blocks. When we can compassionately and bravely journey into the shadows of our egoic mind, we can begin to shake off the layers that constrict us so that we might expand into the purest expression of the Self—the soul, the spirit, the ātman.

The physical body is a sacred vessel for our spirit. We must bring the body into our healing work. Without it, we are missing something critical.

I fuse together my clinical wisdom, my personal experience, and my intuition to guide and hold you on your path. Our relationship, rooted in warmth, compassion, integrity, honesty, direction, and trust, will provide the grounding needed to co-create the goals and growth you desire.

I am most aligned with somatic work, embodiment practices, Buddhist principles, Eastern philosophies, holistic healing modalities, and the works of great spiritual leaders and teachers such as the Buddha, Eckhart Tolle, Martha Beck, Brené Brown, and Glennon Doyle.

This work is deep. A willingness to be open, honest, curious, and exploratory with me is essential to your success. Journey with me knowing that I will work as hard as you are willing to work to reach your deepest Truths. This work is open to women and all female-identifying souls. If you are feeling the whisper, I would love to meet you.


I have been practicing in the mental health field for over a decade. This work has been incredibly rewarding, and it has also felt limiting. The managed healthcare system is set up to make the already difficult work of deep transformation even more challenging. So I have taken a detour into a more intuitive holistic healing approach in hopes of making a greater impact.


Certified Meditation Teacher—The Whole Health Project, 2023

Certified Breath Coach—The Whole Health Project, 2023

Licensed Clinical Social Worker—State of Virginia, 2017

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner—Somatic Experiencing International, 2017

Master’s of Social Work—Virginia Commonwealth University, 2014

Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology—Virginia Tech, 2012

Curious? Let’s chat.

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